Punctuation, one is taught, has a point: to __1__ law and order.
Punctuation marks are the road signs __2__ along the highway of our
communication—to control speeds, provide directions and prevent
__3__ collisions. A period has the unblinking finality of a red light; the
comma is a flashing yellow light that asks us only to slow down; and
the semicolon is a stop sign that tells us to ease gradually to a halt,
__4__ gradually starting up again.
( ) 1. (A) keep away (B) keep on (C) keep up (D) keep up with
( ) 2. (A) placed (B) placing (C) be placed (D) be placing
( ) 3. (A) head (B) on-head (C) head-on (D) heading-on
( ) 4. (A) before (B) after (C) earlier (D) later
詳細解析:請參考 國考專門店-英銘國考英文周刊-No.14-克漏字篇